Sunday, 28 July 2013

Last night I had the strangest dream..

I woke last night at about 4am and found it hard to go back to sleep (due mostly to someone snoring noisily beside me!!) but when I did I had the strangest dream.
I was walking down a very dark street and I knew I had to get to the end of it to get to my destination.
I started, filled with a sense of fear... and as I walked I found myself unable to do so of those dreams where your feet feel like they are in two cement blocks and you are dragging every step in slow motion.
As I made my way down the street, the fences on either side were very high and behind them big dogs popped up and looked at me - they did not bark nor scare me..they just watched my progress.
As I moved further down the street I walked past groups of people who did not threaten me..if anything they were not even aware I was passing.They just continued to talk amongst themselves. I walked amongst them as if I were a ghost.
Then I got to the end of the street and I could see a well lit shop on the other side for which I made a bee line.
My legs were still like lead..I thought that I would get run over trying to cross the street so slowly.
But I made it.
The shop was filled with people and they were trying to push me around so that I could not get past.
All I felt I could do was elbow my way past them all shoving as I went.
I did not talk to anyone during this whole journey other than expressing my impatience at the rudeness of this last bunch of people who were making it so hard for me..
this was when I woke up.
The dream had ended at about 4.20am.

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