Friday 2 August 2013

Teralba Cemetery - Memories hidden under the earth

The original Teralba grave yard (now in Booragul) is located on Billy Goat hill on the southern (bush side) of the railway station. After you trek up the dirt track you will know whay they call it "Billy Goat Hill".

The picture above is what can be achieved in a very short period of time with a few hands clearing overgrown grass and bushes.

Notable locals such as James Cherry, accidentally killed at Teralba Colliery. (Cherry's Bridge at Barnsley is named after this family). 

One burial site bears a row of bits of the headstone lined up along one side of the graves site. Only small chunks remain - you can see the year of death - 1913.
Members of the Sager family are also buried in this cemetery. Very little remains of the cemetery today.

 This site does not have much of a future unless we do something now.
Families of those buried here still reside in local suburbs. Vandalism has stripped this resting place of its dignity.
Its such a shame.


  1. Please save our lost memories

  2. saddy the cemetery had now been flatted and houses are been built on top of it as well as a kids play ground. if someone decide to put a pool in their back yard they are going to be in for a shock. there a 125 people burried up on that hill.
